Robbinsdale Area Schools

Early Learning Family Handbook

Welcome to Robbinsdale Area Schools Early Learning Programs.

This handbook contains information regarding our Early Learning practices and procedures. The handbook is meant to serve as a helpful resource for families and is not all inclusive. If you have questions, please contact your teacher or the office staff for assistance.

  • Early Childhood Family Education 763-504-4170
  • Early Childhood Special Education 763-504-4160
  • Early Childhood Screening 763-504-4180
  • Preschool Programs 763-504-5330

New Hope Learning Center
8301 47th Avenue North
New Hope, MN 55428

Early Learning Programs

All of our programs offer warm and welcoming learning environments for children and their caring adults. Licensed teachers and qualified staff focus on building individual strengths of each student to support them for success in school and life. We use developmentally appropriate practices including the Pyramid Model framework, an evidence-based approach that uses concrete strategies to promote the social-emotional learning and engagement of all children.

Tuition Policies

Early Childhood Family Education

  • One-day ECFE
    • Families can pay by semester or for the full year. If paying by semester, the first semester fee is due at registration. Second semester fee is due Jan.15.
  • 2 or 3-day ECFE classes
    • Tuition is due monthly by the 15th of month.

If credit card information is on file, semester 2 or monthly payments will be charged to that card. If a card is not on file, please pay online, or with cash, check or credit card in the ECFE office.

Tuition-based Preschool
Tuition payments for tuition-based preschool (not including ECFE preschool) are due each month with invoices sent as monthly reminders. Any family having a hard time making tuition payment for any program, due to changes in financial circumstances or otherwise, are encouraged to contact the ECFE or Preschool office to discuss options. Our goal is to work with families and keep children in school.

Note: This information does not apply to students receiving special education services via an IEP or IFSP.

Attendance and Absences

Consistent attendance helps children learn more.

  • Notify your child’s teacher to let them know if your child will be absent.
  • If your family has plans for extended travel or absences, notify your child's teacher ahead of time.
  • Notify your child’s teacher and the school office if you plan to withdraw from your class.
  • Students who are absent for 15 consecutive school days may be unenrolled from preschool classes.
  • Students/Families who are absent for 3 consecutive ECFE 1 day/week classes may be unenrolled from ECFE classes.

Arrival, Departure and Transportation

Health & Safety

Classroom Practices